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But Russians and Ukrainians parted ways linguistically, historically and, most importantly, politically. Putin has, however, claimed repeatedly that Russians and Ukrainians are “one people”, part of the “Russian civilisation” that also includes neighbouring Belarus. Ukrainians reject his claims. Ukraine went through two revolutions in 2005 and 2014, both times rejecting Russia’s supremacy and seeking a path to join the European Union and NATO. Putin is particularly enraged by the prospect of NATO bases next to his borders. Says Ukraine joining the US-led transatlantic alliance would mark the crossing of a red line. After Ukraine’s 2014 Revolution of Dignity, which saw months-long protests ultimately topple pro-Moscow Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Putin used the power vacuum to annex Crimea and back separatists in the southeastern provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk. The rebels carved out two authoritarian, economically weak “People’s Republics”, where the death penalty was restored. They ran dozens of concentration camps where dissidents were tortured and executed. Professor Ihor Kozlovsky of the Donetsk State University spent almost 700 days in the concentration camps and prisons, and says he was tortured by separatists and Russian officers who retold him Putin’s claims about the “Russian civilisation”. Amazon's technology architecture handles millions of back-end operations every day as well as queries from more than half a million third-party sellers. Amazon's sales volume means that hundreds of thousands of people send their credit card numbers to Amazon's servers every day, and security is a major concern. In addition to automatically encrypting credit card numbers during the checkout process, Amazon lets users choose to encrypt every piece of information they enter, like their name, address and gender. ­ Amazon employs the Netscape Secure Commerce Server using the SSL (secure socket layer) protocol (see How Encryption Works to learn about SSL). It stores all credit card numbers in a separate database that's not Internet-accessible, cutting off that possible entry point for hackers. Customers who are particularly cautious can choose to enter only a partial credit card number over the Internet. Then provide the rest by phone once the online order is submitted. Now let's get back to the business of selling stuff.|Getting your smartphone stolen can cause as much damage to your life as having your purse ripped off. See more everyday tech pictures. Here's a scary question: What would happen if someone stole your smartphone? Is it password-protected? Are you automatically logged in to social media apps and banking apps? Do you download free games and apps without reading the fine print in the user agreement? Could a smartphone thief dive right in to your personal data and collect enough "secret" facts - your Social Security number, birth date, mother's maiden name - to effectively steal your identity? While we're at it, where is your smartphone right now? If you just found yourself frantically patting down your pockets or digging through your purse, then you might be a prime target for identity theft. According to a 2011 study, smartphone users were a third more likely to be victims of identity fraud than nonusers. Think of all the ways people use smartphones, a mobile device that's more like a powerful pocket computer than a phone. trump taxes

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Re: world news

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